Sunday, September 29, 2013

I want to thank everyone who has followed this blog.  It really meant a lot to see your comments and to know that you were interested in what I was doing in Africa.

I came home in March of 2013 fully prepared to go back to Ghana in August 2013.  Since being home I have had some pain in my stomach and have had many test done but need to see a GI doctor.  I also needed insurance which I will have as of November 1.  I already have an appt. and should be on my way to discovering what the problem is and getting it fixed.

Because of having to put off my trip a few things have happened that I believe are totally from God.  I was selling my jewelry that I made from Ghana when my daughter's friend asked if I would show them how to make some bracelets and earrings which I did.  We had such a good time that afterwards Stephanie and I talked about how much fun it was and instead of just selling jewelry I could incorporate this, thus... Binding Beads was birthed.

I still was praying and asking God if this is what He  wanted for me.  I was a little frustrated, okay a lot frustrated because I had told Kristie and Righ that  when I went back I wanted to start  a home for girls and rescue them out of the market place where they are worked all day long and some of them are trafficked in other ways in the evenings.  This was my heart.  They both agreed that they wanted to get behind this and offered two years rent and food sponsorship as the girls came to the home.  I couldn't understand why it was now put on hold.

After the first party a  couple of the girls wanted to have a party.  At my second party God would confirm what was happening.  A very sweet lady, Aimee, told me that she wasn't going to come until she heard I had lived in Ghana.  She said then she knew she had to come.  I asked if she were going and she said no, her little sister had just moved there.  I asked what she was doing and ... rescuing young girls from market places and of all places ACCRA!  The hair on my arms stood up as well as fighting back tears.  I knew then that God was orchestrating everything.

I have been in touch with Courtney from Pearl House Ghana where 21 precious young ladies now live.  I am giving 10% of my profit to Pearl House and another 10% to Water Angels (homeless ministry downtown Knoxville) and 40% from all kids parties to Pearl House education for the girls.  I am praying that God will bless my business enough that I can quit working and focus completely on Binding Beads.  I want to give more to these two ministries as God enables and am grateful just to get to be part of what they are doing in this small way and I love what I am doing.  I miss Ghana terribly, and when I am in Ghana... I miss my family and friends terribly.  My heart is in two places which will all be one when we all go home.

I am asking everyone who has followed my page to please check out my new website, and my Binding Beads FB page.  I have a place on my facebook page where you can sign up for email and hope that you will all join my page.  I also have a blog on my new website which I will keep you up to date on how I am working with these two ministries.  Currently I am teaching jewelry making classes at Water Angels and the homeless are making jewelry which I am selling on my website (still somewhat under construction) and Courtney is in the process of finding a young mom who will make magazine beads for me to use at my jewelry making parties.  I am so excited to introduce Binding Beads and begin this new journey in life.   You can also click the links on my website that will take you to Pearl House and Water Angels so you can see what they are all about.  It is truly beautiful.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Give them Jesus

What a blessing it is to be part of Kingdom Work.  There are so many untapped ways to be involved in ministering to others.  The most romantic way I suppose is traveling abroad to some indigenous destination that others are in awe of.  It is a wonderful experience and one I will never forget.  The people, their culture, the smells, the colors, the accents, the food.  Everything changes along with your perspective of the world you live in.  
This isn't everyday life, not even occasional life, for the majority of us.  What I have found since I have been home is that the people, their culture, the smells, the colors, the accents and even the food can be just as varied right here at home.  There are so many people that are hurting and need us to be Christ right here.  There is nothing like the human touch. If you give them food, shelter, water ,etc. but do not provide healthy relationships you are not providing the key ingredient, which is Jesus Christ in us.  We need each other and we need to be exposed to the realities of others.  It is what makes us search our own souls.
I laugh so much when I am with Water Angels.  I also reflect a great deal.  We can be so quick to place blame ... if they hadn't ...if they would just ...their bad choices.  All probably very true but... what if you didn't have the grace of God in your life.  Isn't there anything you've done you haven't paid the consequences for because of God's grace?  Sure there is.  And everything He does for us is an example of what He wants us to do for others.  
Sitting across the table, listening to them talk about their lives, makes me smile.  Having Stephanie (Director of Water Angels) tell me they missed me and were disappointed I didn't come Thursday makes me tear up.  I am reaching out to them but what I wish I could get everyone to understand is this: when you reach out to others you should have your arms wide open because God is going to pour blessings into your life as well a theirs!  If you haven't been called to Africa, China, India, etc. don't sit around because you haven't been called.  You are  called right where your at, just listen and hear the still small voice of the Father telling you where and how.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A New Season

I was reading my poem that I wrote while in Ghana, The Tree.  It was truly a gift from God and as He poured it into my heart I just began to write.  I love so much that when you look at nature you can see examples of how things work together.  The poem talks about the seasons the tree goes through; being a seed, new leaves lush and green, green leaves changing into beautiful bursts of color only to meet a harsh winter, shed and fall to the ground.  But inside the tree is strong and will endure the harsh winter and go through another rotation of seasons growing taller and stronger each year.  It is so what God does in us as we go through seasons in our lives.

I thought I would be going back to Ghana to start a home for young girls that I would rescue out of the market.  But His ways are not my ways and He had other plans.  I fussed and pouted and wallowed for a bit and then realized that He probably was getting a little tired of it and wished I would just stop.  When I did things began to happen and like the tree the winter began to turn to spring and it was time for new growth.

Sometimes it is so hard for us to let go of what we thought or think should happen.  If we would just trust Him all the time we wouldn't waste so much time. He began to bring people into my life, like Courtney.  She started just such a home in the same area I was going to.  As I learned of what she was doing and read her blog and saw how beautiful the heart of this ministry is, I knew that she was suppose to be the one starting the home and I was suppose to be part of it, but from here. I have a new business called Binding Beads.  I will be announcing my website when it is ready and I am praying for support from family and friends.  A portion of the profits from my business will be going to two ministries, 20% off the top, 40% of the kids division going to sponsor education for the rescued girls.  I am also buying my supplies and products from the homeless ministry here in the states and from a single mom in Ghana.  I also still volunteer for Feeding the Orphans and am blessed to be able to do that.

My heart misses Ghana and the people and children that I formed an attachment too.  I long to go back and visit and am praying that will happen but in the meantime I am pulling up my bootstraps and I am going to be involved in ministry as much as possible right from here.

There is nothing more rewarding or refreshing than working for the Kingdom of God no matter where you are.  Nothing!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

THE TREE - Thank you Franklin for the beautiful artwork!

She is but a new seedling so fragile as she grows
 Drinking from the sky and earth  all she will ever need
Amazing it is to watch what time will only show
The splendor that will be birthed from just a tiny seed

The seed a tree now stands beautiful dressed in leaves of green
There for all to gaze upon and truly fearsome to behold
The wind gently sweeping as it passes by sounds heard but never seen
Unmovable she remains in place for the seasons to unfold

Crisp air has brushed against her fulfilling what soon will be a need
Dressed in colors now majestic being swept away by the wind
They will fall in place to cover earth a blanket protecting other seed
Before the snowflake has come it’s tasks now to begin

On the outside she is now barren in no dress is she arrayed
Only empty branches hang against the darkened sky
No one looks at her now for they cannot see the beauty still displayed
But this is only for a time as new seasons again will pass her by

We are like the tree standing strong and proud
Then come the times of trying producing grief and strife
Our life sometimes overshadowed by what seems a dooming cloud
But in the end used to shield and help another life.

Written by Lola Crain
Artwork by Franklin Beebe

Sunday, April 7, 2013


As I read the Word this morning, a scripture from my devotional stuck out and I kept reading it over and over.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make is face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth. ~Psalm 67:1-2

As I began to pray, the words that your ways may be known on earth kept circling my mind. When I pray bless others, or would you bless me Lord, I am not thinking so that...   that your ways may be known on earth.  I am asking God to bless my family, friends and self with good health, finances, etc. and most of all that they would make it to Heaven.

Taking on the challenge of praying His blessings so that everything I do will be a reflection of Him, so that I would show His ways and every person that I meet would know His ways because of my actions, is so magnificently wonderful!

The phrase blessings, which I use as a closing to most things I write, is taking on a whole new meaning! Everything we do should point to our blessed Savior and what He did on the cross.  I am asking Him to show me what asking His blessings for family, friends and self will now look like.  When I pray for you I will be praying for good health, that you will draw closer to Him each day, His protection and... that when He blesses you His ways will be known on earth.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kisses from Him

 I was driving over the Lenoir City Damn one morning and it was a stormy day.  I pulled the car over to just stare at what I was a seeing.  It was beautiful, straight ahead the sky was filled with swirling orange, red, pink, yellow  and brown daunting clouds that were moving quickly and in the distance where they stopped, dropped a beautiful blue sky with seemingly nothing happening, just calm.  As I looked up through my sun roof beautiful white and grey puffy marshmallow clouds were dropping a soft gentle rain. Looking up into the rain was mesmerizing. It made me think about the storms of life, times of calm and refreshing, times of trial and growing pains, the release of pressure and a refreshing rain begins to fall into our lives.  I began to feel so peaceful just sitting there thinking about how awesome God, My Father, is.  Then I noticed the rainbow spreading across the sky, a promise for everyone to see.   God promises are beautiful, that he will never forsake us or leave us. HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US. He has plans for our lives, plans to prosper us.  He is just asking us to trust Him, to have hope in Him for things seen and unseen, to learn His voice so that when He whispers we will hear Him, to take His hand and follow where He leads.

Have you taken time today to listen for Him? Have you taken time to tell Him how much you love Him? Have you told Him how grateful you are for all of the blessings in your life, your husband or wife, your children, your pets, your home, extended family,  friends, sweet little moments throughout the day that are kisses from Him?  

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time Flies

I can’t believe I have been home three weeks.  The time is flying by as I visit with family and friends.  I am earnestly seeking God’s will for my life, asking Him every day for guidance.  In my heart I know that I am going back to Africa for an extended stay and perhaps India for a short visit to our new orphanage. I am trying to make a game plan for raising funds for this next trip while trying to do odd jobs to support myself while I am home.  It can be very perplexing  knowing in your heart that you are doing what God has called you to do and having such a difficult time doing it.  I am so thankful for my Bible and my devotional which reminded me daily that His ways are not our ways and that testing is a gift.  I only hope that I am learning more each day to trust Him more and hear His voice more clearly.
I received a message on Face Book from Meagan, a volunteer in Ghana, telling me that the kids are asking when I am coming back and missing me very much.  It brings tears to my eyes and I am truly blessed.  I have ten of the most amazing grand children, to whom I am Mamaw, here in Tennessee with me that I absolutely adore and around 40 grand children in Ghana, to whom I am Grandma, which I also adore.  Whether I am going to Ghana or coming home it is bitter sweet.  The thing that drives me is my love for my Heavenly Father.  I want Him to know that I love Him more than anything and want to obey Him.  I am thankful to Him for His mercy and grace.  He is so good to me.
While I was in Ghana the heat was unbearable. I actually cried some nights asking God for just one cool breeze.  It was 105 to 110 degrees every day.  The humidity was stifling.  At the home the windows are very small and at the top of the wall so you get no breeze.  One of the reasons I am so happy for GMI that they are moving.  I was blessed to go and see the new home they will be moving into and renting for the next two years.  It is bigger, which they needed desperately, and the windows are massive.  There are windows on the interior walls so that when all the windows are opened the breeze can flow through the entire house.  It is a little closer to the ocean so the breeze is awesome.  I am so happy for the children and excited that they will be moving soon.   I am so grateful for all of the people who gave so generously to make this happen for them.
Every day has its own challenges.  We were faced with first aide crisis every day, shortages of water, hospital visits one of which was my own, settling very important disputes (I had it first) and so on.  If you have children, multiply them by 10 or 20 and you get the picture.  I love putting the bandages on their little boos.  They will say, “my here hurts”.  It is so cute.  One day I had the bright idea of buying two pair of shoes for children who’s shoes had broken.  Well…. everyone’s shoes were broken that afternoon. I just had to laugh and tell them they were out of luck.  I think a lesson was learned.
The kids are so affectionate and very content to just sit on your lap as long as you will hold them, or can hold them.  It can be difficult with so many trying to get your attention. I worry that I will leave one out but if I look around I will see one with their head tilted down and a sad look and that is my red flag to go and give a hug.  I always get a smile in return. 
Do you think that you dread doing laundry here? I thought that before, now I love doing laundry.  Throwing some clothes in the washer and dryer and pushing a button is such a gift!!!  Sitting in front of three tub of water, one with soap, two for rinse and bending over for hours washing your clothes by hand really makes you dread doing the laundry.  I will say though, that it is a time when everyone visits and chats which is very enjoyable. 
I love God, I love my family, I love my friends (near and far) and I love the orphanages and the people in Ghana.  I am truly blessed.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Biggest Smiles Ever

Meet Meagan...

Meagan is one of our new volunteers who came shortly before my time to leave.  What a blessing. She is so good with the children, very patient and kind.  You don't have to direct her, she sees a need and she jumps right in.

Esinam will be starting school next semester and hopefully by them we will have a sponsor for Ryzaks education.  Meagan undertook the task of getting them ready for school and has had them in our room every day teaching them.  I just sat in the neighboring room and smiled as I listened to them schooling.  Ryzak and Esinam were so excited to start school.  Meagan did not have to go looking for them, she had to ask them to give her a few minutes to finish getting ready.  The smiles on their faces are precious, more precious than gold!

When they finished their math and reading they began puzzles.  It just really blessed my heart to see the joy on their faces.  Thank you Meagan for your heart!  Love you.

Monday, March 11, 2013

I love these kids!

It is 4:30 in the morning and I am awakened either by the smothering humidity and heat or the Muslim call to prayer.  Immediately I begin to remind myself that I must crucify my flesh and not become angry or desperate because I long for some relief from the heat.  I also begin to think about the billions of souls that are lost.  The man’s voice crying out in the wee hours of the morning, when it is still to dark to get up and move around, reminds me that the harvest field is ripe.  For me it is a call to prayer that he and the young Muslim mom I met in the market today will find Jesus.

I spent the day with two French ladies shopping.  They asked me to take them to Mokola, a huge market in Accra, and be their guide.  I can’t help but smile thinking about  how many people I have met from all over the world during my time here in Ghana.  It is beautiful how God places the right people together, people having the same heart and goals. Three foreigners searching the streets of Ghana  for gifts for the children at the orphanage. I think about Linn and Ellen from Sweden and Elien from Finland and others that I have had similar experiences with. 

It is now 5:00 and I hear the familiar sound of brooms sweeping.  They stir the dust as they sweep and I can smell and taste it.  Next the smoke from the cooking pots outside will flow through my room with any breeze I might be fortunate enough to feel.  Precious water is flowing from the tap and the women and older girls are filling their buckets for cooking, washing clothes, bathing and drinking. How can I love this place so much that is missing all of the comforts of home.
I am stretched here.  I run to the Word for comfort and I find it.  I read something each day that will bring tears to my eyes as I feel awe that the God of Heaven loves me so much.  I know that in an hour or so the children will be pounding on my door and yelling Grandma caw caw caw, Grandma caw caw caw, their way of knocking.  I will answer back yes and they will begin speaking so fast and so many at one time that I will not get a word of it.  But I know when I open my door they will struggle to grab and hug me.  I am hot and sticky and some mornings just want to sit and not be bothered.  Doesn’t sound very missionary like I know, but it is the truth.  Instead, once again I will open the door and give hugs back as I pray and ask Jesus to love them through me.  I will say go and bath and eat your food knowing they will be back as soon as they have finished begging for pencils for school.

There is a small girl of 10 years that is the size of a 6 year old from lack of proper nutrition.  She has told me stories of her village and a thing in the water that has bitten off the leg of a friend and I believe she is talking about a crocodile.  She is called mama quookwi, which means grandma in Twi.  It is very funny because I learned this when I told her, Esinom you remind me of a 90 year old woman.  She just does the Ghanaian tisk and says Ah, you are lying. So funny!

 There is a young boy Ryzack that is nine and actually pretty healthy looking.  He does not speak much except with his face.  He will catch my eyes and give this big grin and it melts my heart.   One of the things that makes him so endearing is his ability to forgive and be so light hearted.  He moves on and is soon laughing and playing with someone who has just insulted him.  They are use to different forms of discipline so as I force Esinom and Ryzack to sit next to one another for punishment, they both began giggling.  I know they think this obruni Grandma is nuts. 

There are 37 children here and I could go on for days about each one of them and how special they are. They fill my day with laughter, frustration, challenges and plenty of love.

There are many things that stir the deep places of your heart here.  Today, a mother  brought her young daughter and her two month old baby to leave at the orphanage.  The mother is mentally challenged and cannot take care of the baby.  The mother/grandmother works and cannot be home to care for him.  The mommy fed the baby Banku which caused vomiting and diarriah so severely that he had to be taken to the hospital. The grandmother tried to explain to her daughter that she could not feed the baby but awoke the next morning to the girl feeding the baby banku again.  She said that she cannot be there to make sure she does not hurt the baby or leave it alone.  They handed me the baby and the young mother asked me if I would take good care of him.  I told her as long as I was here I would.  I noticed that she was wiping a tear from her eye and I began to ball.  I could not control it as my heart was braking for hers.  The baby has been with us three days and has shown so much improvement.  He is squealing, making little goo sounds, and smiling.  I know God has a plan for this beautiful little boy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blessing Etranom and Naomi

I have had an opportunity to meet one of the sweetest young ladies during my stay this time. Her name is Etranom and she is the single mother of young Elyon.

Etranom always has this smile on her face.  Well almost always.  I saw her one time during a phone conversation and she was not smiling.  She was trying to get someone she purchased something from to come and fix it since it was brand new and he called her difficult.  She said, "Oh, do not call me difficult because I am asking you to do what is right, do not ever call me difficult, Oh!"  But even then when she hung up the phone she began smiling and laughing and saying oh he is calling me difficult because I want him to come today, oh he will come today.  

She has learned the art of sewing and is making many beautiful things which can be purchased at Feeding The Orphans website.  Above is one of the apron's that she is making in many beautiful fabrics. This apron was made for Naomi, another single mom who helps with cooking and cleaning for the Bebees as a gift from youngest son, Brandon. 

Naomi makes and sells her jewelry which will be on Feeding The Orphans website soon.  Please help both of these mothers by purchasing their product on the website.  They are beautiful young christian ladies who are very thankful for your support.

The Second Village

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

The second village we visited is the largest un-reached people group in Africa. It was very different from our experience with the  first village.  When we pulled in the children did not come running from the village to greet us with smiles and giggles.  There  were only a few and they stood next to a large tree a short distance from the van.  I am sure as we approached them they were as curious about us as we were the reaction we would get from them.  

We were not allowed to go to the chief as we did in the first village.  We were told only two of us could accompany Wahab so off went Reid Beebe and Mark. Browning.  While they were visiting the chief we began playing with the children.  The boys broke out the soccer ball and the walls fell.  They were laughing and playing soccer right off.  All of us would tell you what a blessing it was to have Christopher (lil Richard) Browning with us.  He was an excellent interpreter.

We were anxiously awaiting Mark and Reid's return and as we saw them approaching were trying to figure out whether or not we had been given permission to show the film.  We had!  W began to tell us a little about the village.  There were Shantis (I hope that is right) in the village.  They are nomads that travel from village to village with guns and machetes intimidating the villagers and taking what they want.  When they are finished or board they move on to the next village.  It was not intimidating when we saw them but you knew that you needed to be cautious around them.

Just before dark things began to happen that caused you to know there was a spiritual battle about to take place.  As we sat next to the church we were suppose to show the film in which was filled with bees, bats began to stream out of the building.  We were ducking and screaming as we watched several hundred of them billowing out and flying around us.  Then, there was a pack of dogs and they began fighting and it was very viscous.  The Shant's walked by ensuring we noted their guns and machetes, which we did.  They could not see the prayers that were going up for them and the village they were invading. 

Only the children and a few adults had come from the village to watch. We were wanting to share with as many of the villagers as possible but were very aware that God was orchestrating the evening and we were His hands and feet.  We were praying during the film and when it was half way through, the adults began to show up. I know they could hear the film in their village because of the speaker that we brought with us and it was in their language.  All together (and this is a guess) there were about 200 people there by the end of the film.  There was a clear mocking of the film from many of them and one man in particular stood in front of me with a dead stare that was not inviting at all!  During the altar call they were laughing and making fun of the few that did come forward.  We were all wondering how they would be treated after we left.  

One of the young men that travels with us and interprets and gives the altar calls spends every Friday there.  It is a 8 hour journey each week.  We are thankful for him and ask that you pray for his ministry there, especially for his relationships with these new believers.  There is much to be done and there are very few workers to go into this people group to minister.  We are praying for God to send the workers into this very untouched group of people.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

W's Story

It is the second day of our trip to share Jesus with some very remote villages in Ghana.  On our way to the village, we stopped by the home of W to visit his family. It was precious.  They met us with such excitement and kept saying Akwaaba (welcome) over and over.

W was forced to leave home at a very young age because he gave his heart to Jesus.  He lived with some wonderful christian people who raised him to know the Word and understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  He is a missionary in Ghana and is very involved in introducing his brothers and sisters to Christ. It wasn't until about five years ago that he was reunited with his parents.  When we met them they had an interpreter and he told us that the father was very happy that Wahab had so many friends that had the same faith and that this was the happiest day of his life.

W's family is very large.  There was his mother's family and his father's second wife's family, cousins, neices, nephews and so on.  They are very beautiful people.

Wahab's Mother
His father's second wife
Wahab's Father                                                                                    

Other family members

One of the most tender moments of the day was when W's youngest sister came home from school.  Her face was beaming as she caught the first glimpse of him and it was precious seeing him give her a big hug. She stayed as close to him as she could throughout our visit.

 I know this trip has really touched my heart and changed my thinking.  I have been very narrow minded about the Muslim people assuming that they are all alike and have one goal in common.  Yes there are extreme Islamic beliefs but we have White Supremacy groups. There are many labels that cause us to make rash judgments about people groups.  I will be praying for W, that he will be able to minister to his family and see the desire of his heart come to pass.  That they would know Jesus.

There is something very important to be learned from this young man.  Thou his heart was broken he kept it pure.  He did not hate his parents, refuse to see them when THEY were ready, he never disrespected them in any way.  Through his obedience to the Word in honoring his mother and father, and after a very long time,  this son has been welcomed home and has nothing to regret when he sits down with his mother and father. Their faces also beam when they look at their son and I am sure they have the greatest respect for him now.

I just love his story and I love this young man.  He is a true follower of Jesus Christ and is having a great affect on the Muslim community as we enter these villages and he is able to speak to them.  Pray for W, his family and his ministry.
