Sunday, April 7, 2013


As I read the Word this morning, a scripture from my devotional stuck out and I kept reading it over and over.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make is face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth. ~Psalm 67:1-2

As I began to pray, the words that your ways may be known on earth kept circling my mind. When I pray bless others, or would you bless me Lord, I am not thinking so that...   that your ways may be known on earth.  I am asking God to bless my family, friends and self with good health, finances, etc. and most of all that they would make it to Heaven.

Taking on the challenge of praying His blessings so that everything I do will be a reflection of Him, so that I would show His ways and every person that I meet would know His ways because of my actions, is so magnificently wonderful!

The phrase blessings, which I use as a closing to most things I write, is taking on a whole new meaning! Everything we do should point to our blessed Savior and what He did on the cross.  I am asking Him to show me what asking His blessings for family, friends and self will now look like.  When I pray for you I will be praying for good health, that you will draw closer to Him each day, His protection and... that when He blesses you His ways will be known on earth.

