Sunday, September 29, 2013

I want to thank everyone who has followed this blog.  It really meant a lot to see your comments and to know that you were interested in what I was doing in Africa.

I came home in March of 2013 fully prepared to go back to Ghana in August 2013.  Since being home I have had some pain in my stomach and have had many test done but need to see a GI doctor.  I also needed insurance which I will have as of November 1.  I already have an appt. and should be on my way to discovering what the problem is and getting it fixed.

Because of having to put off my trip a few things have happened that I believe are totally from God.  I was selling my jewelry that I made from Ghana when my daughter's friend asked if I would show them how to make some bracelets and earrings which I did.  We had such a good time that afterwards Stephanie and I talked about how much fun it was and instead of just selling jewelry I could incorporate this, thus... Binding Beads was birthed.

I still was praying and asking God if this is what He  wanted for me.  I was a little frustrated, okay a lot frustrated because I had told Kristie and Righ that  when I went back I wanted to start  a home for girls and rescue them out of the market place where they are worked all day long and some of them are trafficked in other ways in the evenings.  This was my heart.  They both agreed that they wanted to get behind this and offered two years rent and food sponsorship as the girls came to the home.  I couldn't understand why it was now put on hold.

After the first party a  couple of the girls wanted to have a party.  At my second party God would confirm what was happening.  A very sweet lady, Aimee, told me that she wasn't going to come until she heard I had lived in Ghana.  She said then she knew she had to come.  I asked if she were going and she said no, her little sister had just moved there.  I asked what she was doing and ... rescuing young girls from market places and of all places ACCRA!  The hair on my arms stood up as well as fighting back tears.  I knew then that God was orchestrating everything.

I have been in touch with Courtney from Pearl House Ghana where 21 precious young ladies now live.  I am giving 10% of my profit to Pearl House and another 10% to Water Angels (homeless ministry downtown Knoxville) and 40% from all kids parties to Pearl House education for the girls.  I am praying that God will bless my business enough that I can quit working and focus completely on Binding Beads.  I want to give more to these two ministries as God enables and am grateful just to get to be part of what they are doing in this small way and I love what I am doing.  I miss Ghana terribly, and when I am in Ghana... I miss my family and friends terribly.  My heart is in two places which will all be one when we all go home.

I am asking everyone who has followed my page to please check out my new website, and my Binding Beads FB page.  I have a place on my facebook page where you can sign up for email and hope that you will all join my page.  I also have a blog on my new website which I will keep you up to date on how I am working with these two ministries.  Currently I am teaching jewelry making classes at Water Angels and the homeless are making jewelry which I am selling on my website (still somewhat under construction) and Courtney is in the process of finding a young mom who will make magazine beads for me to use at my jewelry making parties.  I am so excited to introduce Binding Beads and begin this new journey in life.   You can also click the links on my website that will take you to Pearl House and Water Angels so you can see what they are all about.  It is truly beautiful.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Give them Jesus

What a blessing it is to be part of Kingdom Work.  There are so many untapped ways to be involved in ministering to others.  The most romantic way I suppose is traveling abroad to some indigenous destination that others are in awe of.  It is a wonderful experience and one I will never forget.  The people, their culture, the smells, the colors, the accents, the food.  Everything changes along with your perspective of the world you live in.  
This isn't everyday life, not even occasional life, for the majority of us.  What I have found since I have been home is that the people, their culture, the smells, the colors, the accents and even the food can be just as varied right here at home.  There are so many people that are hurting and need us to be Christ right here.  There is nothing like the human touch. If you give them food, shelter, water ,etc. but do not provide healthy relationships you are not providing the key ingredient, which is Jesus Christ in us.  We need each other and we need to be exposed to the realities of others.  It is what makes us search our own souls.
I laugh so much when I am with Water Angels.  I also reflect a great deal.  We can be so quick to place blame ... if they hadn't ...if they would just ...their bad choices.  All probably very true but... what if you didn't have the grace of God in your life.  Isn't there anything you've done you haven't paid the consequences for because of God's grace?  Sure there is.  And everything He does for us is an example of what He wants us to do for others.  
Sitting across the table, listening to them talk about their lives, makes me smile.  Having Stephanie (Director of Water Angels) tell me they missed me and were disappointed I didn't come Thursday makes me tear up.  I am reaching out to them but what I wish I could get everyone to understand is this: when you reach out to others you should have your arms wide open because God is going to pour blessings into your life as well a theirs!  If you haven't been called to Africa, China, India, etc. don't sit around because you haven't been called.  You are  called right where your at, just listen and hear the still small voice of the Father telling you where and how.
