Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time Flies

I can’t believe I have been home three weeks.  The time is flying by as I visit with family and friends.  I am earnestly seeking God’s will for my life, asking Him every day for guidance.  In my heart I know that I am going back to Africa for an extended stay and perhaps India for a short visit to our new orphanage. I am trying to make a game plan for raising funds for this next trip while trying to do odd jobs to support myself while I am home.  It can be very perplexing  knowing in your heart that you are doing what God has called you to do and having such a difficult time doing it.  I am so thankful for my Bible and my devotional which reminded me daily that His ways are not our ways and that testing is a gift.  I only hope that I am learning more each day to trust Him more and hear His voice more clearly.
I received a message on Face Book from Meagan, a volunteer in Ghana, telling me that the kids are asking when I am coming back and missing me very much.  It brings tears to my eyes and I am truly blessed.  I have ten of the most amazing grand children, to whom I am Mamaw, here in Tennessee with me that I absolutely adore and around 40 grand children in Ghana, to whom I am Grandma, which I also adore.  Whether I am going to Ghana or coming home it is bitter sweet.  The thing that drives me is my love for my Heavenly Father.  I want Him to know that I love Him more than anything and want to obey Him.  I am thankful to Him for His mercy and grace.  He is so good to me.
While I was in Ghana the heat was unbearable. I actually cried some nights asking God for just one cool breeze.  It was 105 to 110 degrees every day.  The humidity was stifling.  At the home the windows are very small and at the top of the wall so you get no breeze.  One of the reasons I am so happy for GMI that they are moving.  I was blessed to go and see the new home they will be moving into and renting for the next two years.  It is bigger, which they needed desperately, and the windows are massive.  There are windows on the interior walls so that when all the windows are opened the breeze can flow through the entire house.  It is a little closer to the ocean so the breeze is awesome.  I am so happy for the children and excited that they will be moving soon.   I am so grateful for all of the people who gave so generously to make this happen for them.
Every day has its own challenges.  We were faced with first aide crisis every day, shortages of water, hospital visits one of which was my own, settling very important disputes (I had it first) and so on.  If you have children, multiply them by 10 or 20 and you get the picture.  I love putting the bandages on their little boos.  They will say, “my here hurts”.  It is so cute.  One day I had the bright idea of buying two pair of shoes for children who’s shoes had broken.  Well…. everyone’s shoes were broken that afternoon. I just had to laugh and tell them they were out of luck.  I think a lesson was learned.
The kids are so affectionate and very content to just sit on your lap as long as you will hold them, or can hold them.  It can be difficult with so many trying to get your attention. I worry that I will leave one out but if I look around I will see one with their head tilted down and a sad look and that is my red flag to go and give a hug.  I always get a smile in return. 
Do you think that you dread doing laundry here? I thought that before, now I love doing laundry.  Throwing some clothes in the washer and dryer and pushing a button is such a gift!!!  Sitting in front of three tub of water, one with soap, two for rinse and bending over for hours washing your clothes by hand really makes you dread doing the laundry.  I will say though, that it is a time when everyone visits and chats which is very enjoyable. 
I love God, I love my family, I love my friends (near and far) and I love the orphanages and the people in Ghana.  I am truly blessed.

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