In the past week I have been so grateful at the way God has graciously confirmed the things He is doing in my life. He doesn't owe me anything and yet in spite of my weakness He puts up with me and proves Himself over and over.
I shared how a very generous donor provided my plane ticket to Ghana for my upcoming trip. When I got the call all I could do was sit and cry. It is hard to explain the emotions that I felt. Tears of joy flowed uncontrollably as I thought to myself, God you did it again! Again! After posting in Face Book about the 1200 dollars I would need to raise, I got a response from a good friend with a precious heart. She told me to check the mail, she was sending something. I assumed she would give a little something but I never dreamed it would be for the full amount needed for my trip in January. I just don't have words. All I know is that God is confirming every step of the way that this is Him. He is calling and He is providing.
From my devotional:
That same Christ, with all His attributes and mighty power, belongs to us. We are members of His body, His flesh, and His bones, and if we will only believe this and receive it, we may actually draw our life from the very life of the Son of God. I Cor. 6:13 "The body is... for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body"
This is crucifying the flesh and walking in the spirit. This is allowing Jesus in us to operate fully and have complete control. I want to be yielded to THE POWER SOURCE. Everything is from Him and through Him and by Him. It is so exhilarating to think that we can have this type of access to Jesus. I want to walk in the fullness of my Lord and Savior and I am determined to do so.
Some days I start to loose focus and look at my circumstances: my finances, my vehicle in much need of repairs, etc. and I start to feel desperate. Then I think, why am I worrying? It is only the Creator of heaven and earth, my Creator who has my back! I recently read 2 Cor. 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. When negative thoughts that are contrary to what God has told me come, I quote this scripture. God has a plan for my life and He has confirmed it over and over. He has told me to trust Him and to walk in obedience by faith to do the things He has put on my heart to do.
From my devotional:
There is a vast difference between pleasure and blessedness. Paul experienced imprisonment, pain, sacrifice, and suffering to their very limits, yet through it all he was blessed. All the beatitudes became real in his heart and life, in the midst of difficult circumstances.
I use to think that everything should be a bed of roses for anyone who is walking the walk for God. As I grow in Him I understand that the difficult things are the things that cause me to grow in Him. I appreciate the rest He gives but I know if I want to continue to grow in Him it is only temporary.
Everything we do here should be about Him. It should be about seeking the prize that He has set before us. If the things we are seeking are the rewards we can obtain here we are cheating ourselves out of the biggest reward of them all. Standing before Him and hearing Him say... well done.
Please pray for me that I will raise my standards daily to His standards and that I will walk in love and patience for everyone that I meet. Pray that I will be dedicated to the things that He has called me to do and not be tossed to and fro but stand firmly planted in His truth. Pray that I will accomplish everything that He has for me to do here and in Africa when i go in January. Thank you for your prayers. They are truly coveted.
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