Saturday, May 5, 2012


Today was the day to travel to the village of Chorkor and deliver food. I was very sobered today as I walked through the village.  Our walk was longer than usual because of the rain.  The water was blocking passages everywhere, standing stagnate, smelling horrible.  All I could think of was they have no way out of this. 

 I am getting on a plane in seven weeks and heading back for all the comforts that my wonderful county, America, has to offer and all I can think about is what if this was me, what if this was my child. I had done nothing to deserve this, it was just circumstance.  I was born here.  I was fighting back tears looking into the eyes of the children and the adults.  They yell out hello Grandma as I pass by now and I feel like they are dear friends.  Smiling at me when I yell back Toyo otein (how are you).  Yes, smiling in the midst of the green and black stagnate water and the smell that fills their nostrils that would be nauseating if they hadn’t grown use to it as it grew more and more stagnate.

 In a perfect world, was my thought and then I realized we will be in a perfect world when Jesus returns to take us to the place He has prepared for us. 

 It made  me think about the flowers outside my window.  We had a horrible rain, the wind was whipping so fiercely that it reminded me of a hurricane I rode out in Florida. The flowers were so beaten by the wind the were hanging limp and not beautiful at all.  The sun came out and the warm breeze began drying the pedals that were hanging so unattractive and before long they had regained all of their splendor.  As I stared at the flowers I realized all of the brown withered dying leaves were ripped away along with all of the dust that had once dulled their beautiful colors.  They survived the storm and were stronger, healthier and more beautiful.  I know that one day we will be like those flowers, the cares of this life washed away by  Heavenly rain and  the warm and tender touch of the Son making us into something more beautiful.  I also know that while we are here we are called to do more than realize that things will be different when He comes.  We are to occupy, to reach out and LOVE those less fortunate than ourselves and share the love of Christ. 

  God’s word says that if you do not know love you do not know Him.  Love isn’t a feeling alone, it is something that compels us into action on behalf of those we love and our hearts are overflowing with joy when an opportunity to bless a loved one comes along.  That is the love that we are suppose to feel for everyone. A compelling love, a driving love, a love without limits, a love that thrusts us into action.  I know there are television shows that come on every single day about starving children and we have become so use to them we don't even look anymore.  We need, as children of God, to ask ourselves why we don’t care when we see someone hurting.  Why getting to work, to meet a friend for lunch, to arrive at church on time and all of the other items on our to do list are so important to us but a starving child is a passing thought. 

 I promise you, if you lived here for the past 7 ½ months as I have and starred into the eyes of those who live poverty every single day of their life, looked at their shoes that are to small, their hands that are rough and worn, the scars on their bodies, the missing teeth, the tattered clothes, the water running from a child’s eyes who is sick because their parent cannot take them to the doctor, and so on and so on your heart would feel a new kind of pain.  A helplessness knowing that you cannot take them out of it.  I can do nothing on my own but when Christ lives in me I can do all things. When the body of believers unite they become a force that can change the destiny of hurting people everywhere.

I pray that if you look at these pictures and they touch your heart you will not allow yourself to ignore what is the heartbeat of God, becoming even more complacent, but that you will endeavor to help.  Please contact Feeding the Orphans and give something, anything.  No gift is too small and put together with others it becomes massive.  All they did was be born!

I met a father, Osbed and his son Steven today.  Steven is two years old, he cannot walk, he cannot grip a piece of paper.  I asked his father what was wrong and he did not know.  He has never been to the doctor. NEVER! His mother abandoned him and his father a short time ago so he is not able to work until he can find someone to care for Steven.   He needs us to be Jesus!



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